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Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy

Taseco Media is always committed to protecting customers' personal information and data in the best way according to the provisions of law. Taseco Media has developed this Personal Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) so that Customers can better understand the purpose, scope of information for which we process personal data and the measures we applyed to protect Customer information and rights for these activities.

This policy is an inseparable part of the Contract, Terms and Conditions of Service Use and other Services provided by Taseco Media to Customers. Taseco Media publishes the Policy on Taseco Media's applications and electronic information pages, specifically: website, or other applications and information pages provided by Taseco Media.

Article 1. Definition:
1. Taseco Media: Taseco Media Investment Communications Joint Stock Company.
2. Customer: is an individual customer who registers and uses Taseco Media's services.
3. Personal data: is information in the form of symbols, letters, numbers, images, sounds or similar forms in the electronic environment that are associated with a specific person or help identify a person. specifically. Personal data includes basic personal data and sensitive personal data.
4. Personal data processing: is one or more activities affecting personal data, such as: collection, recording, analysis, confirmation, storage, editing, disclosure, combination, access , retrieve, retrieve, encrypt, decrypt, copy, share, transmit, provide, transfer, delete, destroy personal data or other related actions.
5. Taseco Media communication channel: includes Taseco Media applications and electronic information pages (website:, Taseco Media application...) or other channels from time to time depending on Taseco Media provided.

Article 2. Type of Processed Data:
1. Customer Personal Data that may be collected and processed by Taseco Media includes and/or is not limited to the following types of personal data:
2. Surname, middle name, birth name, other names (if any);
3. Date, month, year of birth; date, month, year of death or disappearance;
4. Gender;
5. Place of birth, place of birth registration; permanent residence, temporary residence, current residence, hometown, contact address;
6. Nationality;
7. Personal images, including images provided by the Customer when registering to use the service, images posted by the Customer on Taseco Media's Applications/Websites during the process of using the service;
8. Phone number, ID card number, personal identification number, passport number; driver's license number, license plate number, personal tax code number, social insurance number, health insurance card number;
9. Marital status;
10. Information about family relationships (parents, children);
11. Information about individuals' digital accounts; personal data reflecting activities and activity history in cyberspace (such as IP address information, cookies, beacons, plug-ins, pixel tags, device codes...);
12. Other information pertaining to a specific person or helping to identify a specific person;
13. Health status and private life are recorded in medical records, excluding information about blood type;
14. Customer information of credit institutions, foreign bank branches, payment intermediary service providers, and other authorized organizations, including: customer identification information according to the provisions of law law, account information, deposit information, deposited asset information, transaction information, information about organizations and individuals that are guarantors at credit institutions, bank branches, organizations providing intermediary payment services;
15. Other personal data specified by law are special and require necessary security measures;
16. Other personal data of the Customer related to the provision of products and services of Taseco Media and in accordance with the provisions of law.

Article 3. Organizations and individuals allowed to process personal data:

1. Taseco Media Telecommunications Company

2. Customer's personal data may be shared, provided to and processed by the following subjects:

- Officers, employees, personnel, branches and transaction offices of Taseco Media;

- Owner, parent company, subsidiary, affiliated company or company/unit belonging to the same Taseco group or ecosystem as determined by Taseco Media;

- Partners and strategic partners associate and cooperate with Taseco Media to provide products and services to Customers or other organizations and individuals participating in or related to the product supply process. Taseco Media's products and services (including but not limited to organizations operating as intermediaries, brokers, agents, trading floors, trade promotion, advertising, marketing, market research, technology) information, solutions, utilities, platforms, operations, storage, systems, devices, media, software, applications, management services, organizations providing services, computing integration with platforms and applications of Taseco Media) and contractors of these partners;

- Third parties process Customer's personal data according to the contract/agreement with Taseco Media;

- Consulting units, auditors, lawyers, notaries, auditors, agents, and representatives of Taseco Media;

- The transferee or transferee of Taseco Media's rights, obligations and assets; parties in transfer, consolidation or merger transactions in Taseco Media's operations and/or parties who need to find out information for the purpose of receiving this transfer, receiving transfer, consolidation or merger;

3. Any individual or organization that is a representative, authorized party or has consent from the Customer, acting on behalf of and/or on behalf of the Customer; or the party involved in the transaction as well as the implementation of the Customer's transaction;

4. Any individual, organization, competent authority, regulatory agency or third party that Taseco Media is entitled or required to disclose according to the provisions of law or under any contract or commitment between a third party and Taseco Media;

5. Other related parties that Taseco Media finds necessary to meet and protect the legitimate interests of Customers and/or Taseco Media.

6. Customer agrees to allow the above mentioned agencies, organizations and individuals to provide and process Customer's Personal Data in accordance with the purposes stated in this Policy and the regulations of the Company law.

Article 4. Purpose of Personal Data Processing and Data Security Principles of Taseco Media:

1. Customer agrees to allow Taseco Media to Process Customer's personal data and share the results of Processing Customer's personal data with third party(s) (if appropriate) for the following purposes: after:

2. To perform obligations under the contract/agreement with the Customer and provide Taseco Media products/services and Taseco Media products/services in cooperation with partners to the Customer;

3. To evaluate, determine, appraise, consider and approve the provision or continued provision of products and services according to the registration and request of the Customer and/or its related persons;

4. To identify, authenticate/update information about Customers;

5. To serve customer support and care activities, investigate and resolve customer questions/complaints during the use of products/services provided by Taseco Media or by Taseco Media partners provide.

6. Research and develop new products and services;

7. Evaluate to improve, optimize, personalize, personalize and enhance the quality of products and services provided by Taseco Media to Customers.

8. To conduct market research, public opinion polls, surveys and data analysis related to any of Taseco Media's products and services provided to Customers;

9. For purposes of contacting Customers; advertising/marketing/trade promotion/communication of products and services to Customers in order to provide suitable products/services to Customers; Implement promotional programs, exchange gifts, award prizes, and deliver gifts;

10. To fulfill statistical, reporting, financial, accounting and tax obligations;

11. To carry out activities for the purpose of auditing, risk management, prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions compliance;

12. To protect or enforce the legal rights of Taseco Media such as the right to collect fees and debts of the Customer towards Taseco Media;

13. To detect, prevent and investigate acts of fraud, deception, attacks, intrusions, illegal appropriation, criminal acts and other illegal acts;

14. To comply with agreements and contracts between Taseco Media and other parties;

15. To perform obligations according to the provisions of law and requests of competent state agencies.

16. In cases where it is necessary to process personal data for purposes or at the request of the Customer, the Customer agrees to let Taseco Media and/or partners cooperating with Taseco Media provide services in accordance with Customer's purposes in accordance with the law are processed data.

17. Taseco Media commits not to use, transfer, provide or share Customer's personal data to third parties without the Customer's consent, except in other cases prescribed by law.

18. Processing of Customer's personal data is only carried out with the Customer's consent, unless otherwise prescribed by law. Taseco Media commits to maximum security of Customer's personal data according to Taseco Media's regulations and the law.

19. Customer confirms to know and understand that data processing activities of Taseco Media and/or third parties may lead to information problems, including but not limited to information leaks , loss or deviation... as well as other consequences and damages that may occur, affecting the Customer. In all cases, Taseco Media and/or third party partners of Taseco Media commit to implementing personal data protection measures in accordance with the law.

Article 5. How to Process Data

1. Taseco Media may collect Customer's personal data in the following ways and forms:

2. Collect directly from Customers:

3. From product and service provision activities: when Customers provide information or generate information during the registration and use of products, services and utilities that Taseco Media provides through channels direct trading, service provision platform;

4. From Taseco Media websites: Taseco Media may collect Customer data when Customers access any Taseco Media website or use any features and resources available on or through the websites. this website;

5. From exchanges, communications, and interactions with Customers: Taseco Media can collect Customer data when Customers contact and interact (such as in person, by mail, by phone, online, electronic communications, social networks, surveys or any other means);

6. From audio and video recording devices attached to Taseco Media equipment or located at stores, business locations within Taseco Media's network or other locations where Customers interact with Taseco Media . Customers note that Taseco Media may be recording audio and video when Customers communicate and interact with Taseco Media for the purposes of authenticating about Customers and Customer transactions; and/or security and safety purposes for transactions and assets of the Customer as well as Taseco Media.

7. Collection from third parties or other information sources:

8. Taseco Media may also collect Customer data through accessing personal information stored by third parties or other information storage sources, such as information authentication service providers. information, goods/service providers, payment service providers, electronic information sites, social networks... Through that, Taseco Media can receive controlled information from third parties or sources that store this information and the Customer agrees that Taseco Media can collect, store, process and use this information;

9. To comply with its obligations under applicable law, Taseco Media may also receive Customer data from competent authorities.

10. Taseco Media may process Customer's personal data in the following ways and forms:

11. Depending on the purpose of processing Customer's personal data in each specific case, Taseco Media may apply appropriate processing methods including but not limited to automatic personal data processing methods. dynamic (through cookies and/or other related technology), non-automated or other means that ensure data protection requirements.

12. During data processing, Taseco Media applies one or more activities affecting personal data such as: collection, recording, analysis, confirmation, storage, editing, disclosure, combination , access, retrieve, retrieve, encrypt, decrypt, copy, share, transmit, provide, transfer, delete, destroy data, personal or other related actions.

13. Taseco Media may directly or through the Personal Data Processor process Customer data in accordance with current legal regulations.

Article 6. Start and end time of Data Processing:

1. Time to start data processing: From the time the Customer accepts this Policy or when data is provided and collected in accordance with the provisions of this Policy and legal regulations.

2. Data processing end time: Until the time the Customer requests Taseco Media to stop data processing or the time Taseco Media completes the Data Processing process in accordance with the processing purpose and process. provisions of the law.

Article 7. Regulations on product introduction:

1. In case the Customer has agreed to allow Taseco Media to process his/her personal data for the purpose of marketing, introducing products and services, the Customer agrees that Taseco Media has the right to market, advertise, Introduce products according to content, form, and frequency as follows:

2. Content: Marketing and introducing advertising products of Taseco Media and partners.

3. Method: Through advertising messages, notices on Taseco Media's website, applications or other methods as prescribed by law.

4. Form: Taseco Media sends directly to Customers via cyberspace, devices, electronic means or other forms as prescribed by law.

5. Frequency: According to legal regulations on advertising.

6. In addition to the contents specified in Clause 1 of this Article, Taseco Media is responsible for complying with the provisions of law on advertising.

Article 8. Customer Rights:

According to the provisions of Decree 13/2023/ND-CP on personal data protection, you are the subject of your personal data and have rights to your personal data. Method of exercising rights: in writing sent to Taseco Media. Customers access the website or call the Customer Care Hotline 1900232428 for instructions.

1. Customers have the right to know about the processing of their personal data, unless otherwise prescribed by law.

2. Customers have the right to agree or not consent to the processing of their personal data, unless otherwise prescribed by law.

3. Customers have the right to access, view, edit or request correction of their Personal Data by sending a written request to Taseco Media, unless otherwise provided by law.

4. Customers have the right to withdraw their consent by sending a document to Taseco Media, unless otherwise provided by law.

Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing agreed to by the Customer with Taseco Media before the withdrawal of consent.

1. Customers have the right to delete or request deletion of their personal data by sending a document to Taseco Media, unless otherwise prescribed by law.

2. Customers have the right to request restriction of processing of their Personal Data by sending a document to Taseco Media, unless otherwise provided by law.

Restriction of data processing will be implemented by Taseco Media within 72 hours after the Customer's request, with all Personal Data that the Customer requests to be restricted, unless otherwise prescribed by law.

1. Customers have the right to request Taseco Media to provide themselves with their personal data by sending a document to Taseco Media, unless otherwise prescribed by law.

2. Customers have the right to object to Taseco Media, the Organization processing personal data specified in Article 3 of this Policy, from processing their personal data by sending a document to Taseco Media in order to prevent or limit the processing of their personal data. disclosure of Personal Data or use for advertising and marketing purposes, unless otherwise provided by law.

Taseco Media will comply with the Customer's request within 72 hours after receiving the request, unless otherwise provided by law.

1. Customers have the right to complain, denounce or sue according to the provisions of law.

2. Customers have the right to claim compensation for actual damages according to the provisions of law if Taseco Media violates regulations on protecting their personal data, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. other or the law has other provisions.

3. Customers have the right to self-protect according to the provisions of the Civil Code, other relevant laws and Decree 13/2023/ND-CP, or request competent agencies and organizations to implement methods protect civil rights according to the provisions of Article 11 of the Civil Code.

Article 9. Customer's obligations:

According to the provisions of Decree 13/2023/ND-CP on personal data protection, you are the subject of your personal data and have obligations regarding your personal data, including:

1. Comply with laws, regulations, and instructions of Taseco Media related to processing Customer Personal Data.

2. Provide complete, honest and accurate personal data and other information as requested by Taseco Media when registering and using Taseco Media's services and update fully, accurately and honestly when There are changes to this information. Taseco Media will secure the Customer's personal data based on the information the Customer has registered, so if there is any incorrect information, Taseco Media will not be responsible in case that information is corrupted. affect or limit the Customer's rights. In case of failure to notify, if any risks or losses arise, the Customer is responsible for errors or acts of exploitation or fraud when using the service due to his or her own fault or failure to provide correct and complete information. Sufficient, accurate, and timely information changes; including financial losses and costs arising from incorrect or inconsistent information provided.

3. Coordinate with Taseco Media, competent state agencies or third parties in case of issues affecting the security of Customer's personal data.

4. Protect your personal data; proactively apply measures to protect your personal data while using Taseco Media's services; promptly notify Taseco Media when detecting any errors or mistakes regarding your Personal Data or suspecting that your Personal Data is being violated.

5. Be solely responsible for the information, data, and consent that you create and provide in the network environment; Take responsibility in case personal data is leaked or violated due to your fault.

6. Regularly update Taseco Media's regulations and policies on processing personal data from time to time as notified to Customers or posted on Taseco Media's Communication Channel. Take actions according to Taseco Media's instructions to clearly indicate consent or disapproval for the purposes of processing Personal Data that Taseco Media notifies to Customers from time to time.

7. Other responsibilities as prescribed by law.

Article 10. Rights of Taseco Media:

1. Process Customer's personal data according to the purpose, scope and other contents agreed with the Customer and/or agreed by the Customer.

2. Amend this Policy from time to time and ensure that Customers are notified through Taseco Media Channels before applying.

3. Have the right to refuse illegal requests of the Customer.

4. Decide to apply appropriate measures to protect Customer Personal Data.

5. To the extent permitted by law, in case the Customer requests to withdraw consent and/or request Taseco Media to delete data or limit the processing of the Customer's personal data, Taseco Media has the right to restrict, stop or cancel part or all of the provision of products and services to Customers due to insufficient information and data to provide products and services to Customers; The Customer is solely responsible for all consequences and damages that may occur and Taseco Media does not bear any losses incurred by the Customer in this case.

6. Other rights are specified in this Policy and according to the provisions of law.

Article 11. Obligations of Taseco Media:

1. Comply with legal regulations in the process of processing Customer's personal data.

2. Apply appropriate information security measures to avoid unauthorized access, change, use, and disclosure of Customer's personal data.

3. Comply with Customer's legal requests regarding Customer Personal Data.

4. Ensure there is a mechanism that allows Customers to exercise their rights related to their Personal Data.

5. Coordinate with competent state agencies and other relevant organizations and individuals to minimize damage when detecting legal violations against Customers' personal data.

6. Be responsible to the Customer for damages arising due to Taseco Media's failure to comply with legal regulations on data processing or not in accordance with the scope and purpose agreed with the Customer. .

7. Other obligations are specified in this Policy and according to the provisions of law.

Article 12. Unwanted consequences and damage may occur:

Taseco Media commits to always using many different information security technologies to protect Customers' personal data from being retrieved, used or shared unintentionally. However, no data can be 100% secure. Therefore, Taseco Media is committed to ensuring maximum security of Customers' personal data.

Some unwanted consequences and damages that may occur include but are not limited to:

1. Hardware and software errors during data processing cause loss of Customer data;

2. Security holes are beyond Taseco Media's control, the system was attacked by hackers, causing data to be leaked;

3. Customers self-disclose personal data due to: carelessness or fraud; Visit websites/download applications containing malware...

1. Taseco Media recommends that Customers keep information related to the login password to their account confidential, and do not share the login password with anyone else.

2. In case the data storage server is attacked by hackers leading to loss of Customer's personal data, Taseco Media will be responsible for reporting the incident to the investigating authorities for timely and informed handling. notify the Customer.

Article 13. General terms:

1. Customers clearly know and agree to this Policy as Taseco Media's Notice of Personal Data Processing implemented in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Decree 13/ND-CP/2023 and amended and supplemented in Each of period.

2. Customers commit to strictly implement the terms and conditions stated in this Policy. For issues that have not been regulated, the Parties agree to comply with the provisions of law, instructions of competent State agencies and/or amendments and supplements to this Policy notified to customers by Taseco Media. goods in each period.

3. This policy is concluded on the basis of goodwill between Taseco Media and the Customer. During the implementation process, if a dispute arises, the Parties will proactively resolve it on the basis of negotiation in the spirit of mutual benefit. In case the dispute cannot be resolved, the dispute will be brought to the competent People's Court for resolution in accordance with the provisions of law.

4. Customers understand and agree that this Policy may be amended from time to time and will be notified to Customers through Taseco Media's communication channels before application. Changes and their effective date will be updated and announced on Taseco Media's Communication Channels and other channels. The Customer's continued use of the service after the notice period of amendments and supplements from time to time means that the Customer has accepted those amendments and supplements.

5. Customer has carefully read, understood and agreed to the entire content of this Personal Data Protection Policy.